Monday, January 12, 2009

My bad...

I have been a very bad blogger. I realize I haven't updated since just after Christmas, so I apologize to anyone who has been wondering how our little monkey is.

We had a wonderful New Years with some great friends, games and of course Karaoke. Long story short, Erika and I make a wonderful duet! I unfortunately do not have any pictures of that night. Not only have I been slacking with the blog, but I have also been picture slacking. I need to get my butt in gear. I'd have to say though, aside from my picture and blog slacking, this year has started off much better than last year. I can only hope that it will continue to get better, it can't get any worse.

Of course not long after New Years Mark and I both headed back to work. This is the main reason I haven't been blogging...quarterlies are due for me and Mark is busy with his lesson plans and getting his classroom in order. Things are going well for both of us at work, we both enjoy what we do and I am just very thankful we both have jobs and are able to play our bills.

Jack started his swim lessons the other day and to Mark's and my surprise, he actually enjoyed himself. At first he wanted nothing to do with the pool, but by the end he wanted to get back in. Again, no pictures though. I know, I know....I'm a bad mommy. I did however get a few pictures of his lovely hair after swimming...he definitely is going to have hair like his mommy.
Other than us getting back to work, not much has been happening. Jack is enjoying all his new Christmas toys and is really beginning to talk a lot more lately. His newest word is "bad" and he usually uses it with Marble. Thanks, daddy for teaching him that one. Hopefully I'll have some new pictures from swimming this weekend but for now I leave you with a few of Jack and the toy he was "playing" with this afternoon.

The face of an *innocent* child...

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