Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mean parents....

The last couple sets of pictures I've taken of Jack happen to be ones that he may hate us for later. I thought everyone would get a kick out of them.

With Gramp's goofy hat...
No pants, pulled up socks and Elmo slippers....we are so mean....
Things have, as always, been a little hectic around here. Mark and I have decided to put our house on the market and find something bigger so we are fixing up some little things here and there to make our house ready to sell. My dad has land that we've decided to build a house on so we've also been trying to find a house as well as fix ours up and get our work done in the meantime. Of course it's still the busy time of year for me and I'm still trying to get my blood levels up (and of course Iron count...yes, I am a mess) so needless to say I am exhausted lately. It will all be worth it though when we can finally move into a bigger house.

Not much more has been going on around here...everyone is adjusting without Marble. It's a little strange not having to put a dog out, but I know she's much happier right now. Newton has also been very lovey lately, which is out of sorts for him.

Hope everyone has a great week and enjoy the nice weather we've been having, you never know when it'll change again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always love the picture of jack love the hat i know you were tired when we stopped by yesterday hope you rested last nitemovey