It's been a few months since anything has changed on this, so I (Mark) am taking a crack at blogging. I don't blame Danielle as we haven't had Internet access since September. Without further adieu, here's an update...
As I mentioned, we moved into the new house in late September. Jack immediately fell in love with his room. The first night we stayed here, he just had a mattress to sleep on. The next day, Gramps, Papa, and Daddy moved in his new big-boy bed, and it is big (and heavy). It's actually Uncle Justin's old bed that my dad had made for him back in the day. The bed is pretty tall, and Jack managed to fall out twice. After the second time, I told Danielle that she had to get the bar from her parents. Turns out that it is the same bar that Danielle used while growing up. Thank goodness that Danielle's mom keeps everything :)
From there, it's been a whirlwind of activity. Between unpacking and running around the North Country trying to find Internet access, we've barely had time to take a breath. We're finally getting settled in though, and our house is beginning to feel like a home. We've even had our Christmas tree up since the week of Thanksgiving.
I know I skipped a couple months there, and I know that there aren't any pictures, but hey, it's my first try, and I'm running late for work. I'll let Danielle fill in the blanks when she has time. Until then, happy holidays.