Monday, February 23, 2009

Crazy week...of course

I'll have to make this quick because I'm a little on the sleepy side and should get to bed.

Vacation went by WAY too quick as it always does, but we still thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been feeling a little under the weather for quite a few weeks now, so I finally decided to go to the doctors. Looks like it's just an upper respiratory infection so I'm on some nasty antibiotics to help clear it up. I'm just glad Jack hasn't gotten it yet.

Jack was great during the whole break, and Mark and I both really enjoyed spending more time with him. He's now starting to put two words together when he talks, sing his ABC's (his version of them anyway) and he's playing by himself a lot more than he used to....which is great for all of us. He's just a great kid all around =)

Last Friday, Mark and I went down to Albany for a Relay for Life fundraiser...a Gaudy Galla. The point was to dress up as crazy as you could. Joan and I thought we were dressing pretty Gaudy in old bridesmaid dresses, crazy earrings and necklaces and 80's style hair, but we were actually too nice for this event. It was pretty interesting to see what people found to wear. This was the first time I was more than 30 minutes away from Jack. Needless to say, it was a rough night for me. Jack was of course fine. His Mammy, Papa and Auntie Kim stayed at the house with him so he could at least be home. Didn't seem to help much, because he woke up in the middle of the night asking for mama. Made me smile a little knowing my little boy loves me that much =)

On another exciting note, the pictures from Katy's wedding are up on the photographers website. Click here to see them. They are beautiful! Jack was quite the camera hog and I look horrible....but Katy and Ryan look awesome! I think I'm going to have Jason and Vanessa do our next family pictures. I just love their work.

Here are a few left over pictures from the wedding and a cute one of Jack with a cheerio on his nose. What a kid!!

Kim and Kenna
Erika eating her flowers...
Jack just waking up from his 20 minute nap...
My goofy kid...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Katy's Wedding!!

Well, the weekend finally came where one of my little sisters got married. Okay, so she got married a year and a half ago, but that didn't really count because it was a shot-gun wedding before Ryan headed over to Iraq. Seeing as both of them always wanted a big wedding with family and friends, they planned theirs for this past weekend.

Friday after work we had the rehearsal and then some pizza and cookies at my house with the girls before the big day. Jack was of course, just as I thought, very intrigued by the baptismal font in the church and got himself soaking wet...even his mittens. That's my kid.

Saturday was the big day and I thought it went off without a hitch...well, except for Kim getting her cell phone stolen in the morning and her being a LITTLE late for her hair appointment. Worked out okay though and all of us were pretty much on time. Does it matter that the photographers got there before us and we had to frantically get dressed and do make-up? Nope, cause Katy was smart and left us plenty of time to get pictures done and then get to the church. We even had time to stop at an undisclosed location to take some beautiful pictures out in the snow. God bless the photographers for getting out in the cold weather, laying down in the snow and putting up with us girls. They were fabulous!

As for Jack, he took a 20 minute nap the whole day and believe it or not he was fantastic. He woke up just before he had to walk down the aisle (with Kim and myself because he would not go alone) and was for the most part pretty good during the ceremony. It was only about 30 minutes because there was not a full mass, but it was beautiful.

At the reception, Jack cut a rug and was a dancing fool. The video Mark got is a little blurry because it's from his phone, but that's Jack dancing and my dad starts dancing with him. He was a riot!

It was a wonderful day, but of course it went by way too fast. I have a few pictures from my camera, but I was too busy to take a lot. I'll post the ones I got and then give you the link for Katy's photographer's website. There are a few pictures of Katy up on their blog and in a few weeks they will have the rest of them up on their web page. I'll let you know when they are up so you can take a look at my beautiful sister and our little monkey.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

In the Limo on the way to the church....
Jack just woke up...
Ryan with Katy's flowers....Us girls and Rusty...Jack on the dance floor...
Here is the link to Greer Cicarelli Photography
More pictures of the big day to come, I promise!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weekend without Daddy and a very busy week...

Well, this past weekend Jack and I got to hang out just the two of us without Daddy. He had to go to Albany for a night for a Relay meeting. Jack and I hung out with Auntie Kim, Mammy and Papa on Friday night for dinner and then Saturday went to swimming lessons, had lunch together and then came home while mommy did some cleaning. Jack was very happy when his daddy came home though, mainly because he brought him some balloons. As for Sunday it was another day at home just the three of us, so Jack's room got cleaned and I went through his clothes again. It feels like this kid is always growing and I always have to go through his clothes. Good thing we have lots of hand me downs!

This week has been quite a busy week already, and it's only going to get worse. Tomorrow night is the kick-off meeting for the Relay, so I've been helping Mark and Grammy get things together for that. Friday we have Katy's rehearsal and then dinner at my house and then Saturday is Katy's wedding. All three of us have a role in the wedding (I'm the matron of honor, Jack is the ring bearer and Mark is doing a reading) so we have some pretty big duties for the wedding. Mark and I have been trying to get our work done for the tail end of the week because we have a lot going on. It should be a fun weekend....provided my son doesn't try to jump in the baptismal fountain during Katy and Ryan's ceremony. I'll let you know how he does =)

Of course I have some pictures to show you from this week. Although I haven't had time to take a lot, I've still got a few. Jack enjoys getting into things lately, one would be his hamper and the other would be his diaper box. He is a strange child....but I think you all knew that.

Reading books in his hamper...
Diaper box time...
We are mean parents...making him get out all by himself
Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jack's newest video

I realize I don't post a lot of videos....mainly because I don't have a camcorder and my camera that I take the videos on takes up a lot of battery juice. This one however, is my new favorite video of Jack. We are teaching him the difference between happy and sad. He says "ad" when someone is sad and now he's starting to act happy and sad. I don't get the best facial expressions, but it's still too darn cute not to share. Oh yeah, and that's him saying "Cheese" at the beginning. What a ham.