Some of you may already know but for those of you who haven't heard yet, I have been a little stressed out lately. The reason for this is because I don't get a paycheck from my new job until November. That means I will work for two and a half months without a paycheck. Not fun. Especially since Christmas is just around the corner. So, I have decided to do something about it and get myself another job. Yep, you heard me right, I now have two jobs. Where is this other job you ask? I'll give you three guesses, but you'll probably only need one.
I went back to the only other place I feel comfortable working.....Sears. Ten hours a week I will be a photographer at the portrait studio. It's the least I can do to get my family back on our feet and give my son a Christmas he deserves. I know, Grandparents are there to give Jack anything and everything he needs, but what kind of mother am I if I can't even buy a few presents for my son? And I know everyone may be thinking that this job will stress me out even more and I won't have much time at home...but it's only 10 hours a week and there is no reason for me to get stressed out doing this job. I'm just a photographer...not a manager this time. Getting this job has actually de-stressed me a little this week and I'm looking forward to getting behind the camera again, even if it's just for a short time.
As for Jack, he has been wonderful. He has now started saying "thank-you" and "papa" as well as quite a few other words that we don't quite understand. He also loves saying "Diego" and throwing his hands up in the air while looking at the TV. Yeah, my kid loves TV....shoot me. We also had a great weekend visiting with family and enjoying some quality time together as a family. My dad also fixed my car that has been squeaking at me for weeks....thank-you so much, dad!!
We have a very busy week ahead of us, so I may not be able to post again until after Halloween. Look for lots and lots of pictures!!
Also, as a side note, I have to send my camera to Canon because it is malfuntioning *sniff, sniff*. What this means is that I will be without a camera for approximately 10 days after Halloween. I have no idea what I'm going to do!! I'll have to just post old pictures of our monkey for everyone to enjoy!
Okay, I think I'm done my rambling so here are some pictures from this weekend for your enjoyment.
These are just in case anyone ever wondered what it would look like if Mark and I had a little girl....she would be just as cute as Jack =)

And last but not kid watching the Backyardigans at Grammy's....

1 comment:
If I were to move home you guys would have no time for me **sniffle.** Or I could watch Jack for you, you know if I was coming home in say a few weeks, not that I am or something.
Just remember Jack will remember most how much you two love him. Hopefully the second job continues to be good as a stress relief, but if it ever goes the other way you know what you should do. Hugs hard working lady.
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