Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Kasey!!

This post is one that I'd like to dedicate to Jack's best buddy, Kasey. He is two years old today and having a grand ol' time in Disney World with mommy and daddy. Lucky family, they missed the snow!! Anyway, I was there the day that Kasey was born and he's always been very special to our family. I remember that morning like it was yesterday. If you know Kasey, you know his story and the fact that he is quite the fighter. We love this little man and hope he had a fabulous day with his family. Below are just a few pictures of Kasey over the past two years...he has grown up to be quite the handsome little man. He is going to be quite the ladies man in a couple years....

The first time I got to baby-sit...he was about two months old
Fourth of July parade....7 months oldWayward Fest...8 months old...
I think this was also 8 months old...the Reyell's Anniversary...After his baptism...8 months again...
Pumpkin patch day...11 months old....
In his PJ's after the pumpkin patch...First birthday!!!
About 16 months old...helping mommy make dinner...What a handsome little boy...
Fourth of July with Jack...What a good helper...mowing our lawn...
At the fair with his fire hat...
Playing "Lego Star Wars" with daddy and Mark...
The day of his birthday party....what a cutie!!

Happy Birthday little man!!!


Kano said...

Wow, thank you so much for doing that. It truly is amazing how far he has come in just 2 years. He had an amazing birthday, way better than any of mine, haha.

Thanks again for this - it is wonderful.

Aimée - Vint Condition said...

So adorable! I wish I was there to take part in all of this!