Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

I realize that yet again, I am a bad blogger. I've been in a funk lately and can't seem to kick it. I'll try to do better once things start to settle down around here.

We may be moving this week or next hopefully after that I'll update everyone on the big move and how things are going with the house!

Since I don't have much time to write, I'll just add a few pictures to keep everyone happy. Jack's been quite the busy boy lately and it seems we have hit our terrible twos, fun. I'm thinking he's feeling the stress that Mark and I are feeling, so it's making him a little on edge.

Terrorizing the cat...
Playing in puddles...Playing on the playground and mommy trying a new shot....
Running to mommy after chasing the birds...Mommy was playing around with Photoshop....I LOVE this picture of him!
Last but not least, Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's or mommy's to be out there! May your children be more well behaved than mine! ha ha!

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