Friday, December 12, 2008


I have been trying to let Jack try to help with some of the baking and cooking lately; i.e. mixing or placing toppings on pizza. He brings a chair up to the counter, takes his spoon (or cheese) and starts copying me. He loves helping and I'm an advocate for having children help with a lot of household things, of course all of them being safe things. So the other night I was in the mood for chocolate, but the only thing we had were low fat brownies. It has been a while since I made brownies, so I decided to go for it. Jack of course brought his chair over and starting stirring away. After everything was mixed well, I poured them into the pan and let Jack lick the spoon. The licking of the spoon turned into dipping the spoon in the bowl and making a mess all over...see pictures below.

Don't worry, low fat brownies do not require anything but water, so he wasn't exposed to any raw eggs. He absolutely loved being able to dip the spoon in the bowl and of course getting chocolate on the spoon was an added bonus. We had to take it away though because it was getting all over him and the floor. This is what happened after we took the bowl away...

Thought everyone would get a kick out of those pictures. Anyway, our monkey has had the 24 hour stomach bug and resting with Grammy all day. Lucky lady. He seems much better tonight and has been playing for quite a while at Mammy and Papa's. He was tired though, and just passed out about 20 minutes ago.

Tomorrow is a big day for us...we go see Santa and Mrs. Clause up at Begor's Supply in Mooers. The owners are Gramps' Aunt and Uncle, so we are going to visit with them and some other friends and family. Look for lots of pictures of that =) We also have pictures to take of him and Kasey (and auntie Erika and uncle Keith) and one of Jack alone (I forgot to order the 10x13 for our living room and I need more wallets for x-mas cards). So he needs his beauty sleep.

Hope everyone is enjoying the snow!!

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