Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow day and Birthday

As most of you are aware, we got quite a bit of snow this week so Mark ended up having the whole day off. I went and saw one of my kids and ran a few errands in Plattsburgh before it got too bad. Ended up being a nice day at home, just the three of us. Jack has been out in the snow once before, but he wasn't overly thrilled about it, but I decided to take him out on Wednesday anyway. He woke up from his nap in a pretty good mood, so we got all dressed up and just went out into the backyard.

He soon started to really enjoy himself outside and gave me a hard time when it was time to head inside. His newest thing....eating the snow. Oh well, I guess all kids go through it.

The next day was my birthday, and of course I had the busiest day of the week. It turned out great though, and thank-you to everybody for the birthday wishes and presents. Mark invited both of our families over for pizza and ice cream cake, which he told me about an hour before everyone got there. That would be why he went on a cleaning rampage the night before =)

I wasn't expecting much for my birthday, seeing as we are just getting back on our feet financially now, but Mark surprised me with something I have wanted for a very long time.....A Wii!! Finally!! He had all of our families go in on it together and my sisters got me a Raving Rabbids game for it. I was beyond surprised, but very happy. I warned Mark this year that he had to make up for last year. All I got was last year was a "Happy Birthday" at 3:30 in the afternoon, when I was picking him up from work and we had driven all the way to Rouses Point together in the morning. Needless to say he didn't have a lot to top. I was very happy this year, all I asked for was a Happy Birthday in the morning (which he did) and I got one thing I have wanted, plus it was a great evening with our families.

Jack has been up to quite a bit this week. Words keep coming out left and right (of course not all of them make sense) but he is just so much fun to listen to and watch. His newest thing is of course bowling on the Wii (at least he thinks he is bowling). Here are a few pictures Mark took of him the other day when he woke up from his nap. He is such a boy....

Yes, that's right, he's holding his manhood. What a kid. Have a great weekend and go Steelers!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend Update

This will be a quick update because I'm a little on the tired's been a long weekend.

My poor little boy has been pretty sick this week. He has one of his two year molars coming in and he caught a cold that I had last weekend so he was in pretty rough shape. Poor baby had to go on the nebulizer again for a couple days, didn't eat much and was really cuddly for most of the week. It breaks my heart to see him like that.

He didn't take long to recover though, and was feeling much better by this weekend. Yesterday (Saturday) he had his swim lessons and then spent the rest of the day with Grammy. Mark and I did some shopping and then headed to Lake Placid for dinner at The Whiteface Lodge. Grammy got us a gift certificate to use for our anniversary, but we never had a chance to get down there to use it, so we used it for my birthday. I have never been to a restaurant where they check your coat and they have a sommelier, so needless to say it was a pretty fancy place. We had a very nice meal, one that was much overdue.

On Sunday, I again had a busy day getting ready for Katy's bridal shower. We had a really nice party for Katy up at Joan's house in the afternoon and Katy got some great stuff for her house.

Jack also enjoyed himself eating all of the munchies we had. We didn't end up leaving Joan's until about 5:15, so I was just able to do some laundry and play with Jack for a little bit before he headed off to bed. This weekend just seemed to fly by.

I of course have to leave you with one more picture. Jack loves playing with his boots and putting things in them lately. His newest thing to do....

Yep...that's his sippy cup. What a strange little boy.

We have another busy week ahead of us again, but what else is new. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Swimming and more....

As promised, I took a few pictures of Jack at swim lessons on Saturday. He is starting to love the pool more and more and Mark and I are just glad he's not afraid of the water anymore. He kicks his feet like a big boy and loves going down a little slide they have set up for them. (You'll see it in the pictures)

Just coming up from being dunked...
Going down the slide...
Coming out of the pool to get on the slide...

We had a pretty busy and fun weekend. On Friday we got together with a few of our friends from high school, Keith and Erika, Aimee and Jaramy and Andy and Danielle. We headed to Koto for dinner, where I enjoyed a long overdue drink and had some great conversation. We then went and bowled a few games and of course the boys beat the girls all three games. I did alright, but I'm very sad to say that Mark beat all of us in the first game. (this is the guy who usually bowls a 33). It was a wonderful, much needed evening away from the kids. I love Jack to death and he means more to me than anything, but I also love having adult evenings. He and Auntie Kim had a great night playing and watching Diego, but he did get a scratch while she was playing with we just deducted some of her pay =)

Saturday was swimming lessons followed by a dress fitting for me and Mark took Jack to McDonalds for lunch and to play at the play place. Jack is very unfamiliar with McDonalds (this is only the second time I think he's been there) so he was very excited to play. He did manage to eat all of his hamburger and apple dippers though...hungry little man. That night we then headed up to Grammy's house for dinner and some Wii. We ended up spending the night because it was late and we were going to have lunch there the next day, so instead of wasting gas we just stayed there. It works out great for Mark and I though because Grammy and Gramps get Jack in the morning and let us sleep in. I love staying the night up there =)

Mark and I also had the day off on Monday, so we got caught up on some work and also visited with Meme and Pepe Brown (Mark's dad and Kandie). Jack enjoyed running around and eating home made donuts. He also has been getting a little stuffy so Kandie checked his lungs and it just sounds like he may have some upper respiratory things going on Nothing new....every time this little man gets a cold it's all in his lungs and it sounds like he is a heavy smoker. So out came the Nebulizer and he's been on treatments the past two days. I'm at the point where I want to test him for asthma because he always has such a hard time breathing, especially when he is sick or runs around too much. Oh well....we just will have to baby him for the next few days...nothing new.

Last thing, my sister Katy informed me that for some reason my blog only allowed comments from people who have an account. I have since changed that so anyone can leave comments on here. So feel free to comment away or make requests for certain pictures. I have several thousands of Jack to share =)

Okay, this really is the last thing....Jack on Saturday on Gramp's tractor. Obviously not a happy boy (it was nap time and he was WAY over tired.)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wow...two days in a row!!

I'm sure this is a surprise to everyone....but I'm actually posting two days in a row! The only thing is, this will be a quick update on me (don't worry, I throw a few pictures of Jack in too!).

Some of you may know, but I have been at my doctors a few times now since Thanksgiving due to some issues I've been having. Not to get into too much detail, but I've been seeing my girly doctor, not my family doctor. I've had some blood work done and I had to have an ultrasound today. I have been very nervous about this visit because I was just waiting for bad news. Turns out it's not as bad as I thought. I have polycystic ovary syndrome. Sounds a little more confusing than it actually is. What this means is I don't produce enough of a female hormone and too much of a male hormone. Actually more embarassing than anything. I am also anemic, which means I have to take iron (fun, fun) and I am on a hormone right now to try to even things out. Apparently about 1 in 10 women have this, so it's pretty common. The only may be difficult for me to get pregnant again. None of my doctors are even sure how I conceived Jack without any problems. I guess he was just meant to be =)

So when people say that a baby changes everything....they aren't kidding. I have had a clear bill of health since I was born, so finding out I have some problems with my reproductive organs is a little bit of a blow...but the outcome could have been much worse.

Well, enough about boring ol' me, this is Jack's blog and not mine. I hope everyone is having a great week and I'll be sure to post some pictures of Jack at swimming lessons on Saturday.

I leave you with some warm wishes from Jack....with all this freaken cold weather, I figured we could all use a little warmth...even if it is just a picture..

Monday, January 12, 2009

My bad...

I have been a very bad blogger. I realize I haven't updated since just after Christmas, so I apologize to anyone who has been wondering how our little monkey is.

We had a wonderful New Years with some great friends, games and of course Karaoke. Long story short, Erika and I make a wonderful duet! I unfortunately do not have any pictures of that night. Not only have I been slacking with the blog, but I have also been picture slacking. I need to get my butt in gear. I'd have to say though, aside from my picture and blog slacking, this year has started off much better than last year. I can only hope that it will continue to get better, it can't get any worse.

Of course not long after New Years Mark and I both headed back to work. This is the main reason I haven't been blogging...quarterlies are due for me and Mark is busy with his lesson plans and getting his classroom in order. Things are going well for both of us at work, we both enjoy what we do and I am just very thankful we both have jobs and are able to play our bills.

Jack started his swim lessons the other day and to Mark's and my surprise, he actually enjoyed himself. At first he wanted nothing to do with the pool, but by the end he wanted to get back in. Again, no pictures though. I know, I know....I'm a bad mommy. I did however get a few pictures of his lovely hair after swimming...he definitely is going to have hair like his mommy.
Other than us getting back to work, not much has been happening. Jack is enjoying all his new Christmas toys and is really beginning to talk a lot more lately. His newest word is "bad" and he usually uses it with Marble. Thanks, daddy for teaching him that one. Hopefully I'll have some new pictures from swimming this weekend but for now I leave you with a few of Jack and the toy he was "playing" with this afternoon.

The face of an *innocent* child...