Sunday, July 19, 2009

Potty Training!

I know, it's been a while...but I've got two words...potty training. Yes, for the past two and a half weeks we have been devoted to potty training Jack. The first couple days were rough...accident after accident, but now things are getting much better. We decided to go for it and get rid of the diapers completely, which has turned out to be the best way to do it. I like pull-ups for sleeping times, but as far as during the day, they are no different than diapers, cost more and end up leaking a lot more...if I have to clean up pee all day, I would rather just do it right away and be thankful that none got on me. So anyway, long story short, Jack is now able to tell us at least a few times a day when he has to pee and it gets better day by day.

So what else have we been doing the past two weeks?? Take a look....

Kasey at the 4th of July parade...
Some guy handed this to Jack...maybe he thought Jack pays the garbage bill...
Watching the fireworks...Newton is doing just fine in the new house...
Mark had a four day conference in Saratoga so Jack and I took a trip down for a little 'mini' vacation. On the first evening down we went to Saratoga State Park to see some geysers, go for a walk and play on the playground...
Walking to the geysers....yes, we let him go without pants....easier for the potty training
Yeah, his leg goes up when he throws...
The next day we went to the Saratoga Children's Museum. It was two floors full of things children can play with. Jack had a ball!

On the phone...
Pulling a bubble over himself...
Driving the fire truck...
Showing mommy where the circle is...
Making a 'pa-cake'

Then that night we headed out to Broadalbin to visit with baby Lucas, Danielle and Ray. Jack did very well with baby Lucas, tickining him and bringing him toys. There was only one incident where I had to put him in time out for being a little too rough, but Lucas didn't seem to mind. I think we'll wait a little while longer to have another baby.
Jack was so happy to see Dylan and Trystan too...he loves the two of them!
Seeing as the summer hasn't been the nicest, we haven't had a chance to get out too much. Jack is having fun playing with his new toys from his birthday and getting all the one on one attention while he's on the potty. And since that is going well, we'll hopefully be out doing more and sitting in the bathroom less....we'll see. For now, I leave you with a wonderful picture of my husband the one time we were able to get on the slip and slide....ha ha...enjoy!

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