Vacation went by WAY too quick as it always does, but we still thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been feeling a little under the weather for quite a few weeks now, so I finally decided to go to the doctors. Looks like it's just an upper respiratory infection so I'm on some nasty antibiotics to help clear it up. I'm just glad Jack hasn't gotten it yet.
Jack was great during the whole break, and Mark and I both really enjoyed spending more time with him. He's now starting to put two words together when he talks, sing his ABC's (his version of them anyway) and he's playing by himself a lot more than he used to....which is great for all of us. He's just a great kid all around =)
Last Friday, Mark and I went down to Albany for a Relay for Life fundraiser...a Gaudy Galla. The point was to dress up as crazy as you could. Joan and I thought we were dressing pretty Gaudy in old bridesmaid dresses, crazy earrings and necklaces and 80's style hair, but we were actually too nice for this event. It was pretty interesting to see what people found to wear. This was the first time I was more than 30 minutes away from Jack. Needless to say, it was a rough night for me. Jack was of course fine. His Mammy, Papa and Auntie Kim stayed at the house with him so he could at least be home. Didn't seem to help much, because he woke up in the middle of the night asking for mama. Made me smile a little knowing my little boy loves me that much =)
On another exciting note, the pictures from Katy's wedding are up on the photographers website. Click here to see them. They are beautiful! Jack was quite the camera hog and I look horrible....but Katy and Ryan look awesome! I think I'm going to have Jason and Vanessa do our next family pictures. I just love their work.
Here are a few left over pictures from the wedding and a cute one of Jack with a cheerio on his nose. What a kid!!
Kim and Kenna